For the month of May I have decided to write about the surprises regarding authoring this book.

Image info: author/AlekseiZakirov/



Wrote the Book Now What?

My initial thought in writing my book-A Reflective Journey of a Loved One’s Passing, which was myself and my siblings experiences in the care of our mother during her illness, was to be helpful to others in a comparable situation. What I did not expect was the processes of writing a blog, doing interviews and a newsletter.












Image info: author/AlekseiZakirov/

Surprize There is More to This Writing Process

It was surprising to me when suggested that a blog would be a good addition to my website. I did not have the first clue how or what I was to write about. Questions poured forth from my brain—What topics do I write about? How long does the article have to be? Will I be able to fill a page? Where do I enter this article for a blog? Where is my blog?

The Burning Question: What Do I Do?

Balboa Press provided the blog platform and some of my answers. The remaining questions I found the answers via the internet. Along with several examples of a blog and valuable information on how to structure a blog and what criteria goes into one.


Getting My Feet Wet

After the first blog entry I decided that a once-a-month entry would be sufficient and then I would sit back and wait for the email requests to come it. What I did not think about was what to do with those emails once they came in. I had no idea how they would come to me nor how I would respond to them or how they would reach you, my readers. Also, I found out that my website does not automatically respond or send out my blog via email. So, now I also need an email platform. Investigating the blog site further, an email platform option was available to me.

Another Hurdle

Next hurdle was the creation of a newsletter. Beginning the process by researching how to write, structure, and publish a blog, the research recommended creating a newsletter. In additon, a newsletter is the best way to inform my viewers that a current blog has been posted. Questioning, I am saying ‘How do I do a Newsletter?” What does that entail? Back to the drawing board and more googling for information on how to do a newsletter.

Thankfully, the structure of my blog was setup for me by Balboa Press. Consequently, I just had to author the article and copy/paste it into my website blog area. However, what I did not count on was having difficulty reaching my blog entry point. Finally,after several login errors, I was successful in entering my blog area. I inserted an article into my blog area, and it went smoothly. Each entry became easier with time and practice. They say three times is a charm, mine is more like five times is a charm. This article will be my sixth entry.

More Pleasureable Pursuits

The best part of this writing process was the interviews and book signings. These processes were stressful, Yes, but fun, nevertheless. I really enjoyed meeting and speaking with Logan Crawford of Spotlight Network and Ric Bratton of This Week in America. Logan and Ric were both warm and easy to talk to and asked great questions.

The Best Part

Book signings are my favorite, I must say. On March 20 through 25 I traveled to Phoenix, AZ to attend the Hay House “I CAN DO IT” convention. I really enjoyed talking with people who came to my booth, we had some fun and informative conversations.  I had the privilege of signing thirty-three books and acquiring twenty-four emails to start my blogging list. In addition, I received one person wanting to receive my blog and other info.

I Have Liftoff

I have a good start in getting the other side of writing off the ground. Though I am feeling woefully lacking in how all the details of my blog email list and newsletter is going to come together. I just have faith that it will, as everything else has come into fruition.

So, my dear readers, please bear with me as I traverse this unknown territory and attempt to the best of my ability to get my articles to you on a regular basis. May they be worthy of your interest and time. Thank you sincerely for listening and reading my articles.

Till next month, Blessings, CK Brashares signing off.

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