SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) Seasonal Affective Disorder – National Institute of Mental Health! Sunlight VS Gloom During the winter season the diminished light affects many people, especially the aging. Lack of sunshine can produce the following effects: (googled “lack of sunshine on aging”) below is the results of my search: A lack of sunshine can contribute to accelerated aging, primarily by hindering…
HELLO OLD MAN WINTER Winter has finally hit our town of Jackson, Michigan. Thanksgiving had a light dusting of snow that continued into the next day of December 1, 2024. And now we have several inches of snow that is planning to stay awhile. But the snow did not last and thus the picture I had planned to take of the snow…
LOOKING THROUGH THE PRISM I have been fascinated by prisms for the last several years. They fascinate me because each viewer can see a different view when peering through a prism. I had the view that it was our imaginative minds and individual perceptions that produced this outcome. However, in my research I found the scientific reason; the programing in our brains…
REMEMBERING……The other day I was looking over a pattern for a new embroidery project that I planned to do. I started to reach for the phone to call my mother, my cohort, the dynamic duo of embroidery when I remembered that she was no longer with us. I was sad, yes, because I could no longer share this interest with her. But…
In caring for an ill or aged loved to best help and care for them, making sure you are at your optimum health and fitness level is important. In practicing self-care on a daily basis, you will avoid burnout, fatigue and illness in yourself. SIMPLE SELF CARE I am not saying to go out get a gym membership or start training for…
NO MAN IS AN ISLAND AS WE ALL NEED SOMEONE You have heard the term “No Man Is an Island, No Man Lives Alone” by poet John Donne. That is so true, as much us we want to believe that we can do everything alone, we need others as much as they need us. When my siblings and I started the journey…
WHAT IS HOSPICE? Through friends that have had the benefit of hospice for their loved ones, I heard that it was a valuable and beneficial service. Because I had no idea of what this service entailed, how it worked or how you qualified for the service, I did some checking. Below are my findings: MEDICARE PART A & B Cover All Services…
For the month of May I have decided to write about the surprises regarding authoring this book. Wrote the Book Now What? My initial thought in writing my book-A Reflective Journey of a Loved One’s Passing, which was myself and my siblings experiences in the care of our mother during her illness, was to be helpful to others in a comparable…
The care of a loved one in an extended illness can bring many emotions to the surface. Some we expect some we may not like and some that will surprise us. LIST OF EMOTIONS Some of the emotions you might experience include: Guilt Moodiness Depression Irritability Frustration Difficulty in Concentrating Deep sadness Anxiety Loneliness Anger MY EXPERIENCE WITH A PESKY EMOTION WHEN…
THIS MONTH’S TOPIC Guilty Anger Addressing the hidden aspect of taking care of an ill loved one. During the care of my mother, I found myself experiencing feelings I was not proud of and felt quilt for even thinking of them. I asked myself how could even begin to want her to pass or be angry at her for her stubbornness…